Sunday, 1 March 2015

British School New Delhi Facilities

British School New Delhi Facilities

British School New Delhi has this year motivated into Phase I of its new building with state-of the-art classrooms in a entirely wireless setting hosting classes of 22 students, with an regular teaching adult to student ratio across the school of about 1:9. The Nursery is a purpose-built facility for 60, 3-4 year olds.The new shape
The growth of the site over the next two years will bring the pupils some superb facilities:*Design Technology Plants will enable this subject to be presented to the prospectus;
*a Sports Centre, swimming pool and gym will enhance the sports services for the whole British School New Delhi;
*a new Arts Centre will enrich the theatre, drama, and dance and performance provision.
*the IB Centre will provide a study base and seminar facilities for 200 IB students, 100 per cohort;
*the primary school will be housed for the first time in a purpose-built facility with break-out learning areas for
 Each year group.

The British School New Delhi will grow in admissions slowly, in a managed way, ending in a school of around 1350 students.  We will have 4 classes of 22 students in each year group, from Welcome to Year 11, and then 100 students in each of the IB years. This remains a small British School New Delhi, about 645 in the primary and the same in the minor, plus a 60 place Nursery setting. We have calculated the school to meet the needs of our students and an enquiry-based method to teaching and learning. This emphasizes elasticity, critical thinking, and problem-solving and applied investigations. Our architectural partners, morphogenesis, have an remaining track record in providing environmentally-sustainable buildings. The British School New Delhi is aiming for a gold standard GRIHA rating and aims to be a model of best repetition in teaching and learning, ecological organization and in educational novelty, whilst retaining its existing attention on high standards, challenge and inclusivity. We wish to couple these faces with a facility as good as any in international schooling.


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